
Thursday, April 26, 2012


Lilo: 'Ohana means familyfamily means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.

sometimes parents gets up pissed, but sometimes they do not, they make us feel protected and loved.
my family isn't perfect as it seems, but it is what i've got and will cherish it.
at least it's better than some other families out there

le father don't smoke
le father don't get drunk and hit
le mother does not run away with another guy
le mother is patient 
le sisters do not argue like other siblings always do
le sisters do not gangster around like lala mui

feels happy when i can talk nicely to my father, my relationship with my father wasn't good.
i remember being very close to my father when i was a little girl, until fucking shits happen, 
things changes.
it's not like i hate him, i still cant imagine losing him.
things is different with my mother, i'm not really close with her when i was younger.
she's busy with her work, she's very strict with my school performance, she won't let me hang out with my friends, like N-E-V-E-R, no TV after dinner time.
but after going into uni, things changed a lot, more freedom, no more asking permissions.
and the best thing that she said to me was she believes me, that's why, she did not ask much when im out or coming home late.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Giving Up

Before you give up, think of the reason why you held on for so long- The Vow

and yea, that was the reason why i did not want to give up for 4 years. i simply believe that it is worth it, he'll be touched and we'll be happily ever after.but it's not that simple as it seems, giving up is the right decision.

How do you look at the one you love and tell yourself it’s time to walk away?- The Vow

How? i guess it's when you no longer can see urself in his eyes. he takes you for granted, talks to you in an unpleasant way. you thought he's treating you differently, because he sees you differently. NO. he thinks that you are annoying for god sakes.

he will never be replaced, that's wat i know myself.
he's the potential boyfriend material i always wanted
but it's time to let go..:')

Thursday, April 5, 2012


well, as u guys may know imma architecture student who is currently studying in Taylor's University.
people may think that architecture students will have more male students than female students, it's so discriminating somehow.

is currently working on a project about spatial typologies and spatial poetics.
doing research on two buildings that are enclosed and semi-enclosed.
we chose the famous metropol parasol as our semi-enclosed space and Exploration Place as our enclosed building.

the top view of the parasol.. pretty, right?

people should really start appreciating architecture as architecture really changes the world,  in a good way of course.
buildings and environment affects ones mood. will you feel happy being in an environment where the buildings are just normal squares/boxes with dull colours or in an interesting and comfortable space?